Why Is Morgana So Annoying Gaming Guides

Why Is Morgana So Annoying? This Is Why!

Each League Of Legends Champions has their own abilities or skill set. They have different uses in the game and all of them have their own strengths and weaknesses. There are some Champions in League of Legends that have skills that are very annoying! League Of Legends players usually ban these Champions. 

One of the annoying Champions in League Of Legends is Morgana. Morgana is usually used by League of Legends players as support. However, some League players use Morgana on mid lane or jungle. 

Many League of Legends players are annoyed with Morgana. But what is the reason? Why is Morgana so annoying in League of Legends? Let me explain to you why! 

5 Reasons Why Morgana Is So Annoying

If you want to annoy your enemies, you can use Morgana. Here are the reasons why Morgana is so annoying. 

Morgana Can Root You

The first reason why Morgana is so annoying is because she can root you with her Dark Binding ability, preventing any movement for a few seconds while dealing heavy damage. This makes it difficult to escape or even dodge Morgana’s other abilities, which can be used in quick succession and devastate an enemy team. 

The range of Morgana’s Dark Binding skill is long. When I say long, it does not mean that it can reach from base to base. Ok? However, it has a long range, which makes her catch enemies easily. 

The root of Morgana has a long duration. When it catches you, you will be rooted for a very long time and you will not be able to move, which is very annoying. 

Morgana Can Burn You

The next reason why Morgana is so annoying is because of her second skill, which is called Tormented Shadow. 

Morgana torments the soil at the target location, which causes the area to become desecrated for 5 seconds. Enemies within the area will take magic damage on-cast and every 0.5 seconds. The damage increases depending on the build of Morgana or the health of the enemy. 

This is very annoying because Morgana can cast this skill even if she is not that close to you. Also, the cooldown of this skill is very short and can be reduced if it hits minions constantly. 

Morgana Can Stun All Enemies

The next reason why Morgana is so annoying in League of Legends is because Morgana has an ability that can stun all of her enemies. 

This skill of Morgana is called Soul Shackles. Morgana latches the chains of energy onto nearby enemy Champions over the cast time, which deals magic damage and the targets are slowed. If a target does not break their tether by the end of its duration, they are dealt the same magic damage again and become stunned for 1.5 seconds. 

Soul Shackles of Morgana is good for clashes or team fights because it allows Morgana to target all of her 5 enemies. This is very annoying! Imagine you are trying to kill an enemy during a team fight and Morgana casts her ultimate skill and you get stunned. The ending of that team fight can be that you will die instead of you killing them. 

This can be hard to escape if Morgana has already cast it and the chains are on you already because you will be slowed, which is very irritating. 

Morgana Can Farm Easily

The next reason Morgana is annoying for League of Legends players is because Morgana can farm and push a minion wave easily. 

Morgana is not a hitter Champion. She does not have physical damage like Yasuo and other ADR has. So, how can she push and farm easily? By using her Tormented Shadow skill!

Like I have said above, Morgana’s Tormented Shadow skill can burn her enemies. If Morgana is already on full-build, her Tormented Shadow will deal more damage. Also, the cooldown of her Tormented Shadow skill has low duration and it decreases every time someone gets burned on her Tormented Shadow.  

Morgana Has A Shield

The final reason why League of Legends players get annoyed with Morgana is because Morgana has a shield, which is called Black Shield. 

Morgana’s Black Shield grants a shield to the target allied or to herself for 5 seconds. The shield absorbs incoming magic damage and grants crowd control immunity while it is active. 

If an ally or Morgana itself has a shield, they will not be able to be stunned or get affected by crowd control skills. 

This can be very annoying! If you are trying to stun Morgana or her allies but Morgana uses her shield, you will not be able to stun her allies or Morgana. 

Just imagine you are trying to kill their ace player but enemy Morgana knows that you will kill their ace player first. So she put the shield to their ace player to prevent you from stunning their ace player. It means that their ace player will continue to use his/her skills. 

The only thing you can do if you want to prevent Morgana from using her shield skill to her enemies is to kill the enemy if Morgana is not around and act fast. You need to stun your targeted enemy before Morgana unleashes her shield to her ally. 

Should You Ban Morgana?

It is true that Morgana is annoying in League Of Legends. Many League of Legends players are irritated with Morgana’s skills, especially during early games. So, should you ban Morgana?

I don’t think so. You can counter Morgana to be honest. If you are concerned with her first or second skill, you can sidestep. I know sidestep can be hard. However, practice makes perfect. 

But if you are scared of Morgana, then ban her. But again, for me, you don’t have to ban Morgana because she is easy to counter even though she is annoying. 

Final Words

Morgana is indeed annoying. The reason why is because of the skill set of Morgana. However, even if Morgana is so annoying, she can be easily countered. You can master sidestepping to avoid the first and second skill of Morgana. 

To avoid the ultimate of Morgana, you just have to be away from the radius of her ult. Easy. Right? However, if you still think that banning Morgana is gonna help your team win, then go. But if you think that you can counter Morgana, choose another Champion to ban that is more annoying or overpowered.