why is sage wall green in Valorant Gaming Guides

Why Is Sage Wall Turn Green In Valorant? Surprising Answer!

Sage is one of the most famous Agents in Valorant. The reason why is because Sage is very useful in a game. She has a heal that can heal allies, she has a slow orb that can slow the enemies, she has a revive skill that can revive an ally, and she has a wall barrier that can block enemies from pushing. 

Sage’s wall is very helpful for her team. The reason why is because her wall can block enemies and slow them down when pushing. The enemies have to destroy Sage’s wall or get to the top to bypass the wall. So it’s either destroy the wall or use a skill to climb on the wall. 

There is one thing Valorant players notice on the wall of Sage. If you’ve played Valorant as Sage or you are just playing with or against a Sage user, you’ve probably noticed that Sage wall turns green after a few seconds of being up. You may have wondered why this happens. 

Well, you’re not alone. Many Valorant players have been asking the same question. In this blog post, we’ll explain the reason why Sage wall turns green in Valorant. Let’s go!

Introduction To Sage’s Wall Ability

Sage is a popular agent with plenty of unique abilities that have made her a fan favorite amongst Valorant players. One of her most powerful abilities is her wall. Her wall can create a barrier that can block off an area entirely. Knowing how to use this ability effectively can make or break a match.

Sage’s wall ability is incredibly versatile and can be used in multiple ways. By pressing the wall ability key, you can create a large ice wall that extends in a straight line. The wall will stay up for 40 seconds before disappearing. Sage can create up to one wall per round, with 400 HP while building, and 800 HP when fortified.

One of the main reasons why players love Sage is because she can create a wall that blocks off an area entirely. This can be used to deny the enemy team access to an area, making them funnel through another path or waste time destroying the wall. The wall can also be used to protect your team from incoming fire, allowing you to reposition and plan your next move. 

Sage’s wall can also be used aggressively to gain an advantage over the enemy team. For example, you can use the wall to elevate your team, giving them a better vantage point to see the enemies. The wall can also be used to block off the enemy’s vision, giving your team time to plant or defuse the spike without being detected.  

Now that you know what Sage’s wall is, and when and where you can use it, let’s get back to our main topic, which is why Sage wall turns green in Valorant. I will share with you now those reasons! Let’s go!

Reasons Why Sage Wall Is Turning Green In Valorant

There are lots of Valorant players that created reasons why Sage wall turns green in Valorant. However, based on my observation, I identified what might trigger this. Some Valorant players call this a bug. But for me, I think that there are reasons behind it. These reasons trigger the wall of Sage to turn color green. 

The first reason why Sage wall turns green in Valorant is because of an enemy Viper’s “toxic” gas. When Viper throws her Poison Cloud grenades, a green gas is expelled that can damage your team’s health and make it difficult to see through. 

Sage’s wall can mitigate this damage and block off the enemy’s line of sight. When Sage uses her wall while Viper’s poison is still active, it takes on the green tint and can heal Sage’s teammates and damage nearby enemies. This makes Sage’s wall an excellent counter to Viper’s poison cloud.

Sage’s wall will turn green when it is low on health. This is done to let you know that the wall is about to break, and you may want to reposition yourself or take cover. 

The green color is a warning to let you know that the wall is not at full strength and may not be able to take much damage. If you ignore this warning, your Sage wall will break and leave you and your team vulnerable to enemy fire.

The other reason why Sage wall is green in valorant is because of the chemical reaction. Sage’s wall in Valorant is made of ice, and it turns green due to the chemical reaction between the ice and the environment around it. It’s similar to how water turns green when algae grows in it.  

Just remember that the green wall in Valorant may not always appear when playing with Sage. There are instances when the green color does not show up despite Viper’s poison cloud being there or the wall is about to break down. 

However, you need to remember that the wall is still providing the same benefits to your team. The benefits you can get on Sage’s wall does not change even though sometimes the color of the wall changes. The wall of Sage is a good defense that will slow down your enemies from pushing. 

Final Words

Now that you know the reasons why Sage wall is turning green in Valorant, you will not be confused when you see it again inside the game. These reasons are based on my experience and I test it out myself. In short, this is what I noticed on Sage’s wall. However, whatever color the wall of Sage will be, the benefits your team can get from her wall will not change.