Why Genshin Impact Is Hated Gaming News

6 Reasons Why Genshin Impact Is Hated

Genshin Impact is one of the most popular action role-playing games, which allows gamers to create a character and grind to level-up their character. 

As an avid fan of Genshin Impact, I can say that the game is great and the grinding is very challenging for me. That’s what every gamer looks at in a game. Right? A challenging one. 

However, some gamers hate Genshin Impact. They hated the game after hours or days of playing it. Some just quit playing while some still play but the hate is still there. 

But what is the reason behind this hatred? Why does Genshin Impact get hated by some gamers? Let me break it down to you. I observed and researched the reasons and here’ what I found out. 

Gacha System

One of the main reasons why Genshin Impact has been receiving so much criticism is the Gacha system. The game’s gacha system is similar to a slot machine, where players spend real money or in-game currency to pull characters, weapons, and items. 

However, the chances of getting 5-star characters and weapons are lower than that of getting lower-rarity ones. This has left many players feeling cheated and frustrated. Some gamers have complained that the game is pay-to-win, which discourages people from playing the game altogether.

The Grind

Genshin Impact requires players to do a lot of grinding, which some players find tedious and boring. To progress, players need to increase their characters’ levels, which involves farming for materials, completing daily quests, and other repetitive tasks. 

As players advance further into the game, the grind becomes even more tedious, and some players feel that it takes away from the enjoyment of playing the game.

Lack of endgame content

Firstly, let’s define what endgame content is. Endgame content is the content unlocked after the main storyline or campaign ends. This content is meant to keep the players engaged, entertained, and challenged. 

It comes in various forms like raids, high-level dungeons, and quests, which provide unique rewards and loot. Players always look for desirable goals to achieve in the endgame, which gives them a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

In the case of Genshin Impact, the lack of endgame content is seen as a significant issue. The game provides an excellent main story campaign that can take up to 40 hours to complete, depending on the player. 

Once the campaign ends, though, the player is left with repeated content. There are daily, weekly quests and events to complete, but nothing new or exciting to keep the player going. With new content barely coming out, numbers of players begin to lose interest in the game.

Limited Stamina system

To fully understand why Genshin Impact’s stamina system is so controversial, we need to look at how it works. Every activity, from running to climbing to swimming, drains your character’s stamina bar. 

Once it’s depleted, you need to wait for it to recharge before you can perform any more actions. This may seem like a minor inconvenience at first, but it becomes a much bigger issue when you consider the game’s expansive open-world map and the sheer amount of travel required to explore it fully.

One of the primary reasons why Genshin Impact’s stamina system is so frustrating to players is that it severely limits their ability to move around the game world. Many quests and challenges require you to travel long distances, often with time constraints, and the stamina system makes this process much more difficult than it needs to be. Players are forced to plan their routes carefully and ration their stamina usage, which can take away from the immersive experience that the game is trying to provide.

Another reason why Genshin Impact’s stamina system is so maligned is that it can be difficult for players to increase their maximum stamina. Unlike other games where you can increase your character’s stamina simply by leveling up, in Genshin Impact, players must find and collect Anemoculi and Geoculi scattered throughout the world. This means that players who are just starting the game or who haven’t explored much of the map yet may find themselves stuck with low stamina counts for a long time.

Despite all the complaints about Genshin Impact’s stamina system, there are some valid reasons why it was implemented in the first place. For one, it helps to balance the game by preventing players from being able to sprint or climb indefinitely. 

It also encourages players to explore the game world more thoroughly by making them think more strategically about which paths they take and when they take breaks. Finally, it provides a challenge for players who have become too comfortable with other games that don’t include such limitations.

Repetitive gameplay

The next reason why Genshin Impact is hated is because of tis repetitive gameplay. However, how repetitive is the game? Here, let me break it down for you. 

The first reason why Genshin Impact’s gameplay is repetitive is that the game relies heavily on a daily routine. Players log in every day to do the same activities, such as collecting daily rewards, completing daily commissions, and using up their resin to farm for resources. While these activities are necessary to progress in the game, doing them every day can be monotonous and tedious.

Another reason why the game feels repetitive is that the open-world is vast but often feels empty. While the world is visually stunning, there is little to do besides finding chests and completing puzzles. The game’s events do help alleviate this feeling to some extent, but they’re time-limited, leaving the world empty once again.

The game’s main story quest doesn’t help matters either. While it’s enjoyable and has a unique plot, the pacing is slow, and the game expects the player to grind for levels and resources in between. It’s easy to lose interest in the story when it’s interrupted by repetitive grinding.

The Community 

One of the main criticisms leveled against the Genshin Impact community is that it is exclusive and elitist. Many players seem to view the game as a competition, with success measured by how far you’ve progressed in the game or how rare your character builds are. 

This can create an atmosphere where newer players or those who don’t have as much time to dedicate to the game feel like they are missing out. It’s not uncommon to see players flaunting their success or putting others down for not measuring up. This exclusivity can be off-putting for those who are just trying to enjoy the game at a more casual pace.

Another reason that some gamers dislike the Genshin Impact community is the entitled attitude that some players exhibit towards the game’s developers. Yes! It is okay to criticize certain aspects of the game or provide feedback on how it could be improved, but some players take it too far. 

They demand changes to the game to suit their personal preferences or request that the developers cater to their specific needs. This attitude can create a toxic relationship between players and developers and ultimately harm the overall game experience.

The other reason why some gamers hate the Genshin Impact community is because some of the players are toxic. There are some Genshin Impact players that love to trash talk other players or troll them. It is easy to create a new account on Genshin Impact. Some create a new account just to mess with other players. 

Final Thoughts 

That’s it! Those are the reasons why Genshin Impact is hated. For me, I don’t think that Genshin Impact deserves the hatred they are getting. If you can’t deal with the gameplay, then don’t play the game. This game is for gamers that are into grinding. However, again, you are free to express your thoughts and suggestions but just don’t be so toxic and demanding.