why is riot called rito Gaming News

Why Is Riot Games Called “Rito” By Gamers? The Truth!

Riot Games has made remarkable games that are enjoyed by many gamers around the world. Games like League of Legends and Valorant are the ones that made Riot Games popular. 

When playing one of Riot Games’ games, you might encounter a gamer who calls Riot “Rito”. You might wonder why. Right? 

The gaming world is full of terminologies and slang that can be hard to comprehend especially for newbies. Today, we will talk about one of the slang and terminologies gamers use. I will tell you the different reasons why Riot Games is called “Rito” by gamers. 

Real Reason Why Is Riot Called “Rito”

First of all, the term “Rito” originates from the game itself, League of Legends. When players are unhappy with the game or a particular aspect of it, they tend to blame Riot Games for it. 

As a result, they start using the term “Rito” as a sarcastic way of referring to the company whenever something goes wrong. For instance, if a player loses a game due to some ill luck, they might say “Thanks, Rito!” sarcastically.

The term became so popular that it started to spread beyond League of Legends, and soon enough, people were calling Riot Games “Rito” everywhere on the internet. Even non-gamers started using it as a catchphrase, without knowing its origin. The term gained popularity to the extent that it is now widely recognized among gamers, regardless of whether they play League of Legends or not.

While the term started as a way of expressing frustration, it soon became a term of endearment for some players and even Riot Games employees. The company acknowledges the term widely and even uses it in some of its communications with players. 

For instance, in the past, they’ve used the hashtag #Ritopls while announcing updates or changes related to League of Legends. Some Riot Games employees even have “Rito” in their usernames and email addresses.

However, being a game development company, Riot Games has had its share of controversy, and some players have called them out for various reasons. The term “Rito” has been used by these players sarcastically to blame the company for its shortcomings, be it game balance, matchmaking, or player behavior. 

However, they also acknowledge that Riot Games has made continuous efforts to improve the game, and the term “Rito” is not meant to be taken at face value.

When Did Gamers Start Calling Riot Games “Rito”?

The origins of the “Rito” nickname can be traced back to a typo made by a Riot Games employee on the League of Legends forums. Instead of typing “Riot” in a forum post, the employee accidentally wrote “Rito” instead. Other gamers quickly picked up on the mistake and started using it as a playful insult towards the company, poking fun at their occasional mistakes and bugs in the game.

However, over time, the use of “Rito” evolved from a tongue-in-cheek jab at Riot Games to a beloved term of endearment. Nowadays, many gamers use “Rito” as a way to show their appreciation for the company and its games. However, there are still some games that use the term “Rito” to insult Riot games. 

The slang term has spawned countless memes, fan art, and even dedicated “Rito Pls” Twitter accounts that poke fun at the company’s occasional bugs and glitches.

Despite some initial pushback from Riot Games, who were understandably frustrated at being referred to by a misspelled nickname, the company eventually embraced the “Rito” moniker. They even started using it themselves, introducing an in-game skin for the champion Singed called “Surfer Singed” that featured the tagline “Rito Surfs Up”.

Can Riot Games Ban You If You Have “Rito” On Your In-Game Name?

Riot Games has a naming policy in place that prevents offensive, sexist, racist, and vulgar names. If your in-game name violates any of these policies, it will result in a ban from Riot Games. However, simply using “Rito” in your in-game name does not necessarily violate any of these policies.

It’s important to note that Riot Games reserves the right to ban players at any time for using inappropriate or offensive in-game names. While simply using “Rito” may not violate any policies, if your name is still deemed inappropriate by Riot, you can still be banned. It’s always best to choose a name that stays away from any racial slurs, offensive language, or suggestions of violence.

Some people might think that using “Rito” in your name might result in a ban due to trademark infringement issues. However, this is not necessarily the case. The word “Rito” is not trademarked by Riot Games, so its usage in your in-game name itself will not result in a ban. 

However, if the name includes other trademarks or copyrighted material, it might result in a ban. 

One thing to keep in mind is that Riot Games’ naming policy can change at any time. So while using “Rito” in your in-game name might be allowed now, this may change in the future. It’s always best to stay informed and updated about the latest policies to avoid any potential bans.


In conclusion, gamers call Riot Games “Rito” to express their dissatisfaction with the game developer or to create camaraderie among players. What initially started as a sarcastic remark has now become a meme among gamers. Although it may be new for some, it’s now an accepted term among gamers, and gamers can refer to Riot Games as “Rito” without second thoughts. Regardless of what they are called, Riot Games will continue to produce exciting games for players all over the world.