Why Do Valorant Pros Use Left Hand Gaming News

Why Do Valorant Pros Use Left Hand? The Truth!

In a competitive game of Valorant, every detail or change can make a huge difference in one’s Valorant player’s performance. One of the details that Valorant fans noticed is pro players using the left-handed options. 

If you have been playing Valorant for too long already, you will notice many pro players are using left-handed mode in Valorant. You might not understand this if you are using right-handed mode in Valorant. So, let me explain to you why Valorant prose uses left-hand mode. 

Why Do Valorant Pros Use Left Hand?

The main reason why these Valorant pro players use left-hand mode in Valorant is to improve their consistency in aiming. Many Valorant experts believe that using left-hand mode in Valorant can give you lots of kills and improve your KDA. 

Now that you know that there is an advantage to using left-hand options in Valorant, you might want to try it out. Right? But first, let me explain to you why you should use left-hand mode in Valorant.

Why You Should Use Left-Handed Mode In Valorant?

In Valorant, there are plenty of ways to customize everything. You can customize your crosshair types and colors, your mouse sensitivity, and even its gun placement. 

Many Valorant players said that pros using left-hand aim better. Their movement and their aim are outstanding. 

Valorant streamer Rem says that the vast majority of people are right-eye dominant. This means that playing with left-handed mode options could improve the consistency in aim. 

The reason why it will improve your consistency in aim is that the gun model can be distracting if it is directly on the same side of your dominant eye. This makes you feel a bit more awkward while you aim. 

However, it is still all about preference. Valorant players have discussed whether it’s left or right is the best position for your gun to be. 

How To Change To Left-Handed Mode In Valorant?

If you want to change to left-handed mode in Valorant, just follow the steps below. I recommend you try it on Deathmatch or even an unrated game first to test if left-handed mode is what you prefer. Also, test it to see how well you adjust to the gun model being swapped. At first, it can make you feel uncomfortable. 

  • Go to settings in Valorant
  • Go to General and then scroll down and find the Other section
  • The first function will be “First Person Handedness” then choose “Left”

That’s it! Now you will be able to use the left-hand on Valorant. Again, test it first before using it in Competitive mode. 

Wrapping Up

To conclude, Valorant pros use left-hand mode in Valorant to improve their consistency in aiming. If you want to follow in the footsteps of these Valorant pros, then you can try switching to left-handed mode in the Valorant settings. However, as I have said, test it out first on Unrated or Deathmatch to see if it fits you. After all, its all about preferences.