why is yasuo cancer Gaming Guides

Yasuo Is Cancer! Here’s The Reason Why!

Yasuo is one of the most used League Of Legends Champions. He has an amazing skill set that makes him so useful in a game. Yasuo has a windwall, a dash, a tornado, and an ultimate that can reduce the enemy’s health bar easily, especially if he is already in full item build. 

I love using Yasuo in League of Legends. Whenever I go top or mid lane, my first choice is always Yasuo. The reason why is because Yasuo is very useful. He can wipe out the entire enemy, push the turret, wipe out a whole minion wave, and he is very good for clashes or team fights. 

However, some League of Legends players consider Yasuo as a cancer Champion. League of Legends players say that Yasuo is the worst champion to use in the League compared to other Champions who are also considered Cancer Champions. But what is the reason? Why is Yasuo cancer? 

Related Article: What is cancer in gaming?

Reasons Why League Of Legends Players Thinks Yasuo Is Cancer

I love using Yasuo in Ranked games. Yasuo is a good and flexible Champion. He can go top, mid, or even bot lane! Some League of Legends players also use Yasuo in jungle roles. Yasuo can be unstoppable in the late game. 

But did you know that Yasuo is considered cancer in League of Legends? Yasuo can be a cancer for enemies and his teammates. What are the reasons? Let’s find out!

Cancer For Enemies

Yasuo can be a cancer for his enemies, not just for his teammates. He can be very irritating to his enemies and here’s the reason why!

The reason why Yasuo can be a cancer to his enemies is because Yasuo’s skill set is very annoying and can be a cheat code if the Yasuo user knows very well how to use this Champion. To understand what I am saying, you must understand what skills Yasuo has.  

Yasuo’s first skill is Steel Tempest. Steel Tempest can hurt his enemies badly, especially during late game. The critical strike of Yasuo can reach up to 100% easily. Hitting an enemy with Steel Tempest is not a joke if Yasuo is on full build. 

The second skill of Yasuo is Wind Wall. Wind Wall can block any ranged attacks from the enemies. This can be annoying for the enemies, especially for Champions like Jhin, Caitlyn, or Miss Fortune.

The next skill of Yasuo is Sweeping Blade. Sweeping Blade allows Yasuo to dash on enemy minions and Champions. This can be very annoying! Imagine Yasuo dashing and you are using Jhin. You use Jhin’s ultimate and Yasuo is just dashing around to dodge your ultimate. Imagine that! That’s annoying. Right?

The next skill of Yasuo is called Last Breath. When an enemy is knocked up, Yasuo will be able to use this skill. Yasuo will slash the knocked-up enemy with his sword, which deals high physical damage. 

As you can see, Yasuo is an assassin because of his dash skill. His dash skill is the most annoying skill he has in his arsenal. Yasuo is extremely active and moves a lot, which can be very irritating!

Cancer For Teammates

Yasuo can also be a cancer for his teammates as well and the reason for this is not because of the skill set of Yasuo but because of the skill of the Yasuo user.

There are some League of Legends players who auto-lock Yasuo and do not know how to use it! When it comes to the game, the Yasuo user has lots of deaths and low amounts of kills. 

Since there are lots of League of Legends players who do this, Yasuo already gained the nickname “cancer”. 

I know that using Yasuo is cool because he has a good set of skills in his repertoire. However, if you don’t know how to use Yasuo or you have not mastered it, don’t auto-lock it. Practice Yasuo first in Normal Blind Pick and not on Ranked. 


Yasuo earned the nickname “cancer” because of both good and bad Yasuo users. This nickname of Yasuo will forever stay in most of the minds of League of Legends players because calling a Yasuo user in the game “cancer” became a norm.